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10 ноя 2018, 06:35
Форум: Desktop
Тема: [RESOLVED] Extra characters in terminal text pasting
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 11288

[RESOLVED] Extra characters in terminal text pasting


prolem in other distros too. This is bug in terminal (result n other forums). For example: https://forums.solydxk.com/viewtopic.php?t=6560

Thank you.

08 ноя 2018, 09:32
Форум: Desktop
Тема: [RESOLVED] Extra characters in terminal text pasting
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 11288

[RESOLVED] Extra characters in terminal text pasting

Hi, I have ROSA Linux R8 - 64bit - MATE. When I paste text in terminal, it adds on begin and end text extra characters. It makes after mc running. For example: Original text: /opt/jdk1.8.0_101 Pasted text: 0~/opt/jdk1.8.0_1011~ More at screen: http://support.remontsw.eu/rosa_linux_terminal_paste.png...
19 авг 2017, 11:35
Форум: Desktop
Тема: [RESOLVED] rc.local ???
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 12038

Re: [RESOLVED] rc.local ???

Hi, I did find it in other distro. 1. Make file /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service with the content [Unit] Description=/etc/rc.local Compatibility ConditionPathExists=/etc/rc.local [Service] Type=forking ExecStart=/etc/rc.local start TimeoutSec=0 StandardOutput=tty RemainAfterExit=yes SysVStartPri...
19 авг 2017, 10:55
Форум: Desktop
Тема: [RESOLVED] rc.local ???
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 12038

[RESOLVED] rc.local ???


I can't find rc.local or something, where I can write, what I would like to start automaticaly after system start.

I need to start automaticaly:

Код: Выделить всё

/sbin/hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda
Thank you


You can answer me in russian. I understand. Thank you.
26 июн 2017, 14:52
Форум: Desktop
Тема: [RESOLVED] Lazarus & MySQL
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 8883

[RESOLVED] Lazarus & MySQL

Hi, I'm using Rosa Linux R8 MATE 64bit. I did install Lazarus from REPO. When I need to connect app to the MySQL server, it writes me ERROR with libmysqlclient version. And when I install Lazarus from downloaded RPM, id connects. But When I click on the DBGrid, it exits with ERROR. :-( Can you help ...
03 май 2017, 08:34
Форум: Desktop
Тема: [HOW TO] Install Oracle Instant Client
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 3923

[HOW TO] Install Oracle Instant Client

How to install Oracle Instant Client 12.1 64bit? 1) Download Oracle Instant Client (RPM files): oracle-instantclient12.1-basic- oracle-instantclient12.1-devel- oracle-instantclient12.1-jdbc- oracle-instantclient12.1-sqlplus-12.1.0...
14 мар 2017, 00:26
Форум: Desktop
Тема: [RESOLVED] Login screen change
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 4655

Re: [RESOLVED] Login screen change

CHANGE - Login Window 1) System > Preferences > Install & Remove Software Install lightdm (KDM, GDM ....). I did install lightdm. 2) sudo update-alternatives --config lightdm-greeter 3) sudo drakedm select window manager (lightdm) https://wiki.mageia.org/mw-en/images/5/51/DM_select.png 4) OK & submi...
02 мар 2017, 22:34
Форум: Desktop
Тема: [RESOLVED] Login screen change
Ответы: 1
Просмотры: 4655

[RESOLVED] Login screen change

Hi, can you help me, please, how to change login screen on Rosa Linux R8 MATE 64bit? Thank you Rene Default is: https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-WJx0K0LaFFg/V7tEz_QsNBI/AAAAAAAAuDY/WlAjT47nnrwNdd8U8cdEi-cltAS2zZnDQCLcB/s1600/Linux%2B%255BFut%255D%2B-%2BOracle%2BVM%2BVirtualBox_019.png Source: https://1.bp...
24 фев 2017, 15:48
Форум: Desktop
Тема: [RESOLVED] Kommander editor
Ответы: 0
Просмотры: 3184

[RESOLVED] Kommander editor


I have Rosa Linux R8 MATE 64bit. Great all. I did install kommander editor, but I can't to run it. It writes me "Error: no dialog given. Use --stdin option to read dialog from standard input.". Can you help me, please? Thank you.

You can write me in Russian too. I understand. Thank you.

16 янв 2017, 09:03
Форум: Desktop
Тема: [RESOLVED] Network is down ...
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 14684

Re: Network is down ...


it works after reboot. I will wait a little time, if it will works without shuting down network ;-)

Thank you very much-

14 янв 2017, 23:59
Форум: Desktop
Тема: [RESOLVED] Network is down ...
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 14684

Re: Network is down ...

Thank you. I test it in my job on Monday. At home, I have it over WiFi and it works great.

13 янв 2017, 13:58
Форум: Desktop
Тема: [RESOLVED] Network is down ...
Ответы: 3
Просмотры: 14684

[RESOLVED] Network is down ...

Hi, I did install Rosa Linux R8 64bit MATE. Great distro. I have only one problem. After start system, I must disconnect and then connect wired network. It doesn't work automatic :-( And in throught working it writes me (sometimes) Network is down. It makes me on wired network in the PC and in the n...

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