Fresh 2012 GNOME

Non-LTS (non-Marathon) related topics
Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 14 мар 2013, 18:12
Operating system: Rosa Fresh 2012 GNOME 32bit

Fresh 2012 GNOME

Сообщение Moseley » 14 мар 2013, 18:22

When I heard about Rosa Linux, I tried it out. Being one of the only distributions still sporting GNOME 2, I was more than happy and willing. I have been very unhappy with any of the GNOME 3 distributions and let's face it, Unity sucks. So yesterday I see this Fresh 2012 release posted and reluctantly download. I must say though, I was very surprised and have had no complaints yet. It runs very smooth, wireless out of the box, Nvidia drivers work great (needs an XFdrake icon, IMHO), newer options are present and working for Nautilus, GDM, etc.
Great job to the developers! :Bravo:

Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 20 мар 2013, 11:21
Operating system: ROSA

Re: Fresh 2012 GNOME

Сообщение ajhlinuxuser » 20 мар 2013, 12:16

If the developers want to move forward from GNOME2 without losing the traditional layout, I'd suggest moving to MATE, which I adopted for my Ubuntu desktop (agreed 100% Unity sucks for desktops).


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